Trade Committee
Identify potential areas of interest for the Federation
Evaluate opportunities to expand the IFEAT network through partnerships with other entities
Identify areas of improvement in the relationship and trade between Members
Investigate the opportunity of creating a system that helps the industry to avoid frauds linked to our raw materials
Develop business areas for the Federation, which have been recognised and identified as interesting
Promote collaborations with third parties
Promote and propose initiatives and projects useful and of potential interest (those that are new in their subject matter or complementary to IFEAT’s activity) to the Federation and its Committees to the Executive Committee
Evaluate different actions by IFEAT Members or non-Members that could potentially affect trade in the industry, and recommend to the Executive Committee what further steps need to be taken

Mr Alastair Hitchen
Chair of Trade Committee

Mr Ruben Francot
Vice Chair of Trade Committee

Mr Ramon Bordas
Committee Member

Ms Cathy Chen
Committee Member

Ms Antonella Corleone
Committee Member

Mr Henry Gill
Committee Member

Mr Susumu Tominaga
Committee Member

Mr David Tomlinson
Committee Member

Mr Michael Torre
Committee Member
History of the 40 years of IFEAT!
Read Peter Greenhalgh’s “History of IFEAT” series. The full version in a book was given as a gift at the Athens Fortieth Anniversary Conference 2017. Each of these articles has been included in past issues of IFEATWORLD.
Registered Office:
The International Federation of Essential Oils and Aroma Trades Limited
6th Floor, King’s House
9-10 Haymarket
London SW1Y 4BP
United Kingdom
Telephone Number: +44 (0) 1707 245826
VAT Registration No. GB 524 7879 10