Socio-Economic Committee
To undertake, compile and publish overviews of the production of essential oils and related products in different parts of the world and share this information through IFEAT communications (Socio-Economic Reports – SERs
To cooperate with the Scientific & Education Committees on shared matters
To promote the assessment of the environmental impact and the reduction of the carbon footprint of actors in the industry, and of the industry overall
To expand IFEAT interactions with institutions/organisations/associations related to the mandate of the Committee, so as to broaden IFEAT reach and potential partnerships
To seek out new oils that can be commercially produced in developing regions of the world through the New Essential Oils Project (NEO) together with the Scientific Committee
To utilise SERs to lobby for greater recognition of the positive social impact of the industry
To share information on production of essential oils to members, relevant contacts, other associations and government bodies
To promote a more sustainable industry (including initiatives related to the reduction of carbon footprint)
To bring hitherto unknown oils to the mainstream and facilitate improvement in livelihoods where possible

Mr Eduardo Mattoso
Chair of the Socio-Economic Committee

Mr Zieger Lin
Vice Chair of the Socio-Economic Committee

Mr Ramon Bordas
Committee Member

Mr Hussein A. Fakhry
Committee Member

Dr Geemon Korah
Committee Member

Ms Zahra Osman Guelle
Committee Member
History of the 40 years of IFEAT!
Read Peter Greenhalgh’s “History of IFEAT” series. The full version in a book was given as a gift at the Athens Fortieth Anniversary Conference 2017. Each of these articles has been included in past issues of IFEATWORLD.
Registered Office:
The International Federation of Essential Oils and Aroma Trades Limited
6th Floor, King’s House
9-10 Haymarket
London SW1Y 4BP
United Kingdom
Telephone Number: +44 (0) 1707 245826
VAT Registration No. GB 524 7879 10